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Smart Healthcare in Barcelona

Author:ivan Time:2018/06/05 阅读:10210
Barcelona is a mature modern smart city full of connotation and charm. So turn “Barcelona, a “heritage city” into “Barcelona, a smart […]

Barcelona is a mature modern smart city full of connotation and charm. So how did the ambitious goal of transforming "Barcelona, a "heritage city" into "Barcelona, a smart city" be accomplished? The City of Barcelona divided the Smart City Barcelona project into 22 projects, including 83 individual projects. Small projects. These projects cover all aspects of normal life in Barcelona. One example of Barcelona's efforts to transform digital technology into more humane services is to introduce it into the public healthcare system. For example, the city government funded the development of a set of With the electronic system of elderly care services, patients can consult, consult and make appointments online with more than 80,000 doctors and experts in Spain through the digital medical platform. So far, more than 80,000 elderly people have benefited from it. At the same time, Catalonia At the end of 2017, the Health Bureau of the Rhonia Region Government also connected all the hospitals and primary diagnosis and treatment centers in the region to the Internet to share medical records, facilitate timely consultation and formulate effective treatment plans.

In addition to government departments, industry associations and medical institutions are also actively involved in the construction of smart cities: the local disabled people's federation launched a mobile app for the target group, which now has more than 165,000 users. Hospital del Mar in Barcelona has also developed a telemedicine system, which can monitor and obtain the condition and related data of heart patients in real time, so as to adjust the treatment plan at any time and carry out timely and effective intervention.

The development of smart technology has brought Barcelona into the era of information health. It is believed that the development of smart medical care will bring more benefits to citizens and facilitate people's medical treatment and health diagnosis and treatment.

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