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smart factory

Smart factory refers to the use of Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and other technical means to digitalize, automate and intelligently upgrade traditional factories to realize the visualization, optimization and intelligence of the production process. Smart factories can bring important advantages to enterprises in improving production efficiency, reducing costs, improving product quality, shortening production cycles, and flexibly adapting to market demand.

An article to understand the smart factory (smart factory/Smart Factory) - what is a smart factory?

The next generation of smart factories will use cyber-physical systems for data collection and analysis to perform tasks more efficiently and create more valuable products. With mobile phones, car […]

Will Smart Factories Benefit from 5G? - Here's What Experts Say

Alternatives to 4G are on the horizon and could revolutionize manufacturing. 5G is on the way, the next generation of wireless technology expected to deliver speeds far exceeding 4G and […]

Collaborative work between workers and drones in a factory environment

Humans and robots have long interacted and collaborated in factories. So what happens when these robots fly? Collaborative robotics has transformed the modern economy, […]

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