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Paris Smart Store

Author:ivan Time:2018/05/30 Read: 5994
In romantic Paris, France, the capital of fashion, Sephora pioneered a brand-new shopping concept store that perfectly combines traditional offline shopping with online shopping. The concept store mentions […]

In romantic Paris, France, the capital of fashion, Sephora pioneered a brand-new shopping concept store that perfectly combines traditional offline shopping with online shopping. The concept store provides the same products as in traditional stores, but only uses 100 square meters of floor area (traditional stores require 400 square meters), and uses new humanized technology throughout the shopping process. This Sephora smart store is located at 66 Rue de Rivoli, 75004 Paris, with 14,000 items in a 100-square-meter store.

Entering this smart shopping store, Nao, a cute guide robot, greets you first and tells you how to shop in such a distinctive Sephora store. Traditional cosmetics stores will provide a small shopping basket, but Sephora Smart Store provides a digital card NFC, which is used to record what you want to buy, which is equivalent to a virtual shopping basket. The trial size is still the same, and the perfume, lipstick color, powder color, etc. are still the same as before, but there is no cashier. You can place an order on the display board, and pay by cash, NFC, or credit card on the spot. And you can come to pick up these products that don’t have physical items the next day, or wait at home, and Sephora will deliver them to your door.

In this Sephora Flash store, you will feel its humanized design. There is an automatic sample sending machine, and customers who buy things can go there to pick up samples. And there is also a large selfie mirror, and the photos in this selfie mirror can also be sent to you. At the same time, the store is also equipped with mobile phone chargers to meet customers' needs for mobile phones.

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