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Paris smart supermarket

Author:ivan Time:2018/05/30 Read: 5934
In recent years, the application of technology has developed rapidly. The French supermarket giant and the fourth largest retailer in the world, Carrefour, opened a new Villeneuve-la […]

In recent years, the application of technology has developed rapidly. The French supermarket giant and the fourth largest retailer in the world, Carrefour, has newly opened a large supermarket in Villeneuve-la-Garenne in the western suburbs of Paris. The supermarket is equipped with 55,000 NFC shelf tags, allowing consumers to communicate with products to interact. Customers can also use NFC contactless terminals to complete payments at POS machines. This also makes the supermarket the world's first large supermarket with NFC shelf tags.

As the world's first large supermarket with NFC shelf tags, consumers can also find interactive booths that provide other services, including travel brokerage, ticket service, Carrefour Bank and insurance brokerage, which are also equipped with terminals. For NFC mobile payment and contactless card payment. The contactless payment that supports smart watches is another extension of the mobile payment experience. Consumers’ smart watches can be synchronized with their smartphones via Bluetooth, using a mobile app called C-où from French retail solution provider Think&Go. It can help consumers prepare shopping lists with their mobile phones before shopping, and then guide consumers to find the products they plan to buy in the mall through 55,000 NFC shelf labels attached to the front of the products. Consumers use their smartwatches to access an electronic shopping list, through which consumers can also earn spending points at checkout.

At the same time, the 11,300-square-meter supermarket has also installed digital screens at the entrance and near the elevator to display promotions in the mall, and consumers can use the touch screen to learn about recipes, print material lists, and submit comments or suggestions.

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