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Data Governance Research Report (2020), Roadmap to Cultivate Data Elements Market

Author:Han Yun Time:2020/12/06 阅读:8661
Source: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Meituan, Beijing Junzejun Law Firm Directory 1. Situation and background of cultivating the data element market...& […]

Source: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Meituan, Beijing Junzejun Law Firm Table of Contents 1. Situation and background of cultivating the data element market………………..1 (1) Data is a key production factor in the digital economy era… ……..1 (2) Frequent data risks lead to governance dilemmas… 1 (3) Countries around the world seize the opportunity for data development and governance… 2 (4) Data governance is an effective way to release the value of data… …3 2. Data openness and sharing, enriching market source supply…………4 (1) my country accelerates data openness and sharing……… (2) Foreign innovation and development data openness and sharing……….. 73. Data quality management, enhance the value of market resources...10 (1) my country has begun to carry out data quality management...11 (2) Foreign legislation clarifies data quality requirements...12 4. Data transactions Circulation, connecting the supply and demand ends of the market……………………13 (1) my country explores the promotion of data trading and circulation…………..14 (2) Foreign multiple means to promote data trading and circulation………….18 5. Data risk regulation, consolidating market security...21 (1) my country continues to strengthen data risk regulation...21 (2) Foreign countries improve data risk regulation systems...24 VI , Future prospects for my country’s cultivation of data element market……………..25 (1) Use open sharing as the starting point to release the advantages of data volume……….26 (2) Use quality management as a breakthrough to activate the value of data resources …….……27 (3) Taking transaction circulation as the key to active data factor market…….27 (4) Focusing on risk regulation to strengthen data security…28

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