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Los Angeles Smart Parking

Author:ivan Time:2018/06/04 Read: 3796
In Los Angeles, many streets are closed for two hours a week for sweeping. During this period, parking is not permitted on the street. Even though the cleanup has been advanced five […]

In Los Angeles, many streets are closed for two hours a week for sweeping. During this period, parking is not permitted on the street. Streets remained closed even though sweeping was done five minutes early during the shutdown. If people park during this time, they will receive a ticket. So the city piloted an initiative: using GPS in street sweeping vehicles. Residents can be notified via the mobile app when cleanups are complete so they can park their vehicles. Traffic control officers can also be notified, and they will not issue violation tickets at this time.

Relevant people commented that if this initiative continues to be implemented throughout the city, the city of Los Angeles will lose $11.8 million in revenue every year. Of course, it is good for citizens. Because the government implements this move not to raise revenue, but to provide services.

In terms of smart parking, Los Angeles is also replacing old-fashioned coin-operated parking meters on major roads throughout the city, installing smart meters that accept credit cards and debit cards, providing convenience for car owners and increasing government revenue. The new timer is produced with high-tech technology, which can bring great convenience to car owners who do not have change. It is solar powered and can still use the original pole and base when replacing, saving a lot of money. It also changes the shortcomings of the old parking meters that are easy to be damaged and is durable.

Los Angeles has also built a smart parking lot, which uses a network of static sensors to effectively collect information on city parking spaces, and forwards relevant information to vehicle drivers so that they can find those vacant parking spaces more easily and quickly. In addition, the data information will also be transmitted to the parking management control center, and the allocation of parking spaces can also become more intelligent. Because the new parking management control system can integrate a large number of different types of sensors and technologies, it can meet the specific needs of various users at the same time. As a new addition, the radar sensor is installed on street lights and house walls facing downwards, and the information obtained from these positions can accurately infer which areas still have parking spaces. If the radar sensor is mounted higher, it will be able to scan a wider area, so it will be easier to detect vehicles parked in a row. Since the high-position radar sensor can also scan bicycle lanes and entrance passages, it can help users quickly judge which parking positions are inappropriate and will hinder the smoothness of traffic.

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