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Transportation trends: Self-driving cars, hyperloop, cars communicating with crosswalks, AI, and more

Author:Han Yun Time:2020/12/02 Reading: 3749
English original “Rapid transit services; cars, traffic lights, and crosswalks that communicate with other vehicles; and using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve driver safety […]

original english version

“Rapid transit services; cars that communicate with other vehicles, traffic lights and crosswalks; and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve driver safety are just some examples of transportation trends heading to our roadways.
The global autonomous vehicle market is moving at full speed, spurring a race to develop the best technology for vehicles, spurring collaboration between technology companies and automakers, and driving the development and enforcement of regulatory measures in countries around the world.
Many cities across the country and around the world have taken steps to help essential workers move easily, such as creating new bike lanes, relocating traffic lights, suspending bus fares and closing some streets due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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By 2030, one in 10 vehicles will be autonomous
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More. . .

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