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2020 New Edition: Huawei Smart Campus Solution

Author:Han Yun Time:2020/12/06 阅读:6099
The park is the carrier of work and life, the core of economic development, and the foothold of building a smart world with everything connected. The informatization of traditional parks focuses on vertical, solitary […]

The park is the carrier of work and life, the core of economic development, and the foothold of building a smart world with everything connected.
The informatization of traditional parks focuses on the construction of vertical and isolated chimney-style subsystems. The data is not interoperable, and the business is difficult to integrate. It has long faced service experience.
Pain points such as poor security, weak comprehensive security, low operational efficiency, high management costs, and difficulty in business innovation.
Huawei's smart campus solution originates from its own management reform and digital transformation practices. It relies on the fertile soil digital platform and cooperates with ecological partners to realize the
From single-scenario intelligence to overall intelligence, it enables agile business innovation, improves operational efficiency, and leads to a simplified experience.

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