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JD.com launches 5G smart logistics network

Author:small jar Time:2019/10/30 阅读:7180
The Beijing-based Chinese e-commerce giant said its 5G logistics park will upgrade on-site operations, such as monitoring forklift routes in real time and sending […]

The Beijing-based Chinese e-commerce giant said its 5G logistics park will provide upgrades to on-site operations, such as real-time monitoring of forklift routes and alerts in case of abnormalities.

JD.com has unveiled a logistics park powered by a 5G network, which the company said will upgrade on-site operations and drive its Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) strategy. The warehouse facility in Beijing has a new monitoring system that can detect and evaluate problems occurring on site in real time.

The Chinese e-commerce giant said 5G provided enough bandwidth to enable it to "massively" improve the efficiency of the industrial internet of things and facilitate "instant communication" between its workers and machines. With the real-time monitoring system, the company will be able to track the location and route of forklifts and pallets and receive early alerts if something goes wrong.

For example, to ensure efficiency and safety, the system can detect anomalies in forklift position or travel routes. JD.com’s logistics department said that automated pallet monitoring has greatly improved efficiency compared with manual monitoring.

"The 5G system will also greatly improve operational efficiency within its facilities, guiding vehicles into appropriate parking spaces or dock gates through smart parking lots, and monitoring truck loading and unloading in real time," JD Logistics said.

These are among the company's plans to develop 5G technology, the company added, and the industrial Internet of Things under 5G technology has promoted the further application of JD's logistics business and improved the efficiency of the entire supply chain. The technology will be used across its network of logistics parks to enable "reliable and trustworthy" robot-to-robot communication, reducing human intervention, the company said.

The chief architect of JD Logistics said: "The low latency, high speed and ability to support a wide range of concurrent connections provided by 5G has created an unprecedented level of real-time connectivity, greatly improving the efficiency of JD's business implementation. This is Key to providing the best customer service in the business."

In October last year, JD.com launched a package delivery service in China that enables consumers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to send intercity packages via a mobile app. JD.com also plans to expand service options in mainland China, including various delivery times (including same-day or two-day delivery) and high-value items, such as luxury goods and high-end consumer electronics.

According to JD.com, the new package delivery service will be based on the company's existing logistics network and supply chain management technology, which can guarantee the delivery of orders above 90% on the same day or the next day.



Original Author: Eileen Yu

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