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CES2018: Kodak Bitcoin Miner

Author:rain Time:2018/01/12 Read: 5963
A Kodak-branded Bitcoin miner labeled "KashMiner" has been demonstrated at CES 2018 at the booth of the photography company Kodak Blo […]


A Kodak-branded bitcoin miner, labeled the "KashMiner," has been showcased on the company's booth at CES 2018, with Spotlite Energy Systems, a licensee of the Kodak Blockchain project in California, demonstrating the product.

According to the Kodak licensee, an upfront payment of $3,400 for a two-year contract would result in a bitcoin production value of around $375 per month at current bitcoin values.

The partnership will provide licensees with half of the $9,000 earned over a 24-month period.

Bitcoin production will be around $25 per day on the Kotak Bitcoin HashPower prepaid plan.

The Kodak-licensed bitcoin miner was showcased on the same day that Kodak announced that its own Kodak Electronics digital currency cryptocurrency leverages blockchain security technology, which is said to provide image rights management for photographers.

The camera company's "photo-centric" cryptocurrency is being launched under a licensing partnership with Wenn Digital and will also involve a blockchain-backed image rights management platform called KodakOne.

In an interview during the 2018 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Venn Digital CMO Bruce Elliott told ZDNet that 20 people from Kodak and Venn have been working on the Kodak Electronics project for several months.

"We can take a photo, lock it in our blockchain, and then we can assign IP (intellectual property) to individuals, and then we can look across the Internet and find where a photo is being used, and if it's not being used correctly, Then we can contact them through an automated system and say, "Hey, you probably don't know that you don't have a license to use this photo, why don't you have a license" and then the money goes back to the photographer and the whole The transactions all happen on the Kodak e-money," Elliott told the media at CES.

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