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30 must-read things about blockchain in 2020 (Blockchain 2020 Development Trends)

Author:rain Time:2020/01/13 Read: 3768
01 PART Reconstructing production relations to reduce trust costs 1. “Distributed business is a new business frontier brought by blockchain technology. In distributed […]
Reconstructing production relationships to reduce trust costs


1. "Distributed business is a new frontier of business brought by blockchain technology. In the distributed business world, all intermediary organizations will be replaced by automatic connection and execution of "mathematical algorithms". Compared with the mutual trust cost of traditional business model transactions, Significantly reduced. The lower the marginal cost of trust, the larger the space and boundaries for commercial activities.

The mobile Internet has greatly reduced the cost of big data collection, AI has greatly reduced the cost of big data analysis and processing, and the blockchain has greatly reduced the cost of trust. "

2. Sharing economy and cross-border transactions will become extremely easy.


2020 is a turning year for blockchain development

3. Weather

✦ The first year of 5G application is the starting point for the explosion of the Internet of Things.

✦ China’s central bank digital currency is expected to be launched first in 2020.

✦ The American Libra may be launched in 2020 with a compromised version, which will greatly promote the popularity of digital currency.

4. Convenient location

✦ Blockchain 3.0 technology (cross-chain, side chain, partitioning, sharding, etc.) can improve the performance of the blockchain, improve ease of use, operability, and scalability, and most of them are expected to mature in 2020.

5. People and people

✦ China lists blockchain as a national core competitiveness technology and will greatly promote the implementation of blockchain business in the form of centralized and alliance chains.

✦ The first batch of sandbox institutions in Singapore will officially enter the actual operation stage.

✦ The financial system represented by the American JP Morgan Coin will realize a new generation of banking infrastructure (integration of payment, clearing, and settlement) in the form of a consortium chain.




Global Internet replacement. Internet of Things, BlockThe chain begins to grow

6. As of August 2019, the ceiling of China’s mobile Internet user population and usage time dividend is approaching. According to QuestMobile data, the penetration rates of the three BAT companies all exceed 80%. With mobile traffic dividends basically disappearing, Toutiao bucked the trend with its short video products, and its monthly active users increased by more than 18% year-on-year. Judging from the proportion of user time, BATT accounts for 70% of the entire network. Among them, Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu declined, while ByteDance increased, with ByteDance increasing from 10.6% to 12.5%.


7. According to report data released by GSMA Intelligence, as of the end of 2018, the number of active mobile Internet users in North America and the Caribbean was approximately 321 million, and the growth rate of active users has continued to decline. GSMA Intelligence predicts that in the next seven years (forecast to 2025), the multi-year compound growth rate of active mobile Internet users in North America and the Caribbean will only be approximately 1.04%.


Blockchain drives the economy into a programmable digital economy

8. Only from programmable currency to programmable finance can we evolve to a programmable economy. This is the most valuable thing that blockchain brings us.

9. Several levels of advancement in blockchain understanding:

✦ Distributed decentralization, high transparency, tamper-proof and traceable: Once anonymity is removed, it is very convenient for penetrating supervision.

✦ Settlement and liquidation are carried out simultaneously: generating machine credit, reducing unfamiliar transaction costs, and making compliance easier.

✦ Tokens and wallets can be programmed to automatically execute functional contracts: transaction rules and laws can be written in for automatic execution, making compliance easier, facilitating cross-border, cross-currency and cross-legal framework transactions, and greatly facilitating the creation of financial products.

10. Coinless blockchain? To solve the decentralized incentive problem, programmable functions are limited.

Blockchain technology makes the world flatter

11. Tokenization + smart account (blockchain account of the Internet of Things) The smart contract of the blockchain can eliminate the barriers of law, currency, language, and delivery execution between countries, regions, and economic systems.




Blockchain makes sharing economy, sharing energy and information easier

12. Blockchain greatly reduces the cost of trust between B2B and B2C, increases transaction speed, reduces transaction and resource sharing costs, and greatly promotes the sharing economy.

13. Blockchain promotes the sharing of the earth’s computing power, makes it more convenient for the decentralized management of data assets, and optimizes the allocation of the earth’s stock of computing power.

14. By mining the computing power of existing individuals or terminals, edge computing not only helps maximize the utilization of social resources in countries where PCs and mobile Internet have become popular (equivalent to shared computing power), but also helps emerging countries to leapfrog cloud resources. , the difficulty of insufficient resources in large computing centers.


15. To achieve large-scale edge computing and effectively utilize edge computing power, we must rely on two technologies of blockchain:

✦ Simple and efficient underlying consensus

✦ Data privacy security protection

16. Web3.0 computing technology has an impact on cloud business, large-scale computing center facilities, and mining machine and mining pool businesses.


The evolution of social and economic momentum, the next twenty years will be about data assets and data economic ecology

17. In the next twenty years, data assets and data economic ecology will be the new driving force of social and economic evolution, a new perspective for national or regional planning of new economic growth models, and the starting point for investors to find new economic growth points.

Over the past 100 years, the evolution of the five largest companies in the United States by market capitalization can be seen:


Consensus on data economic ecological development: co-governance and sharing

18. The consensus or trend in the development of data economic ecology is co-governance and sharing, and the confirmation and privacy of data assets.Protection and reasonable distribution or return of income rights are the basis.

19. By utilizing technological progress to confirm and protect the rights of data assets, you can:

✦ Give traditional enterprises with data huge growth potential. Advances in data collection technology and data understanding and processing technology have turned "big data" into "big data" with extremely fine granularity. "Blockchain+" opportunities for traditional enterprises with massive data.

✦ Promote the return of the income rights of existing mobile Internet data to the owners in a reasonable manner.

✦ Personal asset form upgrade:Physical + capital + data assets (asset itself income + Staking income*).Note:By pledging assets to participate in network governance and voting, you will receive rewards from the additional currency issued by the network.

Industry Outlook of Blockchain

20. In terms of basic technological progress: Software development geeks represented by the "Ethereum community" continue to lead technological development.

21. All kinds of decentralized applications will flourish, but supervision will gradually be in place, anti-money laundering and other regulatory measures will be effectively implemented, and the accuracy and execution efficiency will be significantly improved than before.

22. Acceleration of application implementation: Various economies in the existing economic system will find suitable ways to embrace the blockchain, truly allowing blockchain technology to be implemented on a large scale.

23. Traditional asset management enters the data asset market: Traditional investment institutions are a minority in this emerging market. The proportion of trading volume in the compliant exchange market will gradually increase; the investor group will significantly spread to investors in the traditional financial market; and the entry of traditional financial institutions will gradually control the pricing power of the primary and secondary markets of blockchain projects.

24. Central bank digital currency, various private chains/consortium chains, national public chains, and independent public chains facing international competition.


The future of blockchain

25. Usable technologies that have been proven to be relevant to the confirmation and protection of data assets with huge market value and income; all innovations surrounding the sharing of data asset income rights; including the upgrade of mobile Internet profit models and the transformation of traditional enterprises with blockchain +.

26. Web3.0 computing technology.

27. Traffic portal: a channel connecting user accounts and individual crypto asset resources. Analogous to PC Internet email accounts, mobile Internet social accounts, and traditional postal savings banks (data assets have dual attributes: + voting rights).

28. Cross-chain communication transactions.

29. Stable coins that open up traditional asset management to enter the data asset industry and open up channels for legal currency and encrypted assets; the value of Libra and JPM Coin.

30. The future will grow and emerge freely: create an environment, wait, and embrace what is close to cash flow.

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