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Microsoft makes it easier to use ChatGPT-powered Bing – here's a catch

Author:techradar Time:2023/05/26 阅读:7171
Microsoft's Bing chatbot now works without logging into a Microsoft account, and you'll no doubt be happy to hear. This means that anyone who now […]

You'll no doubt be happy to hear that Microsoft's Bing chatbot can now be used without logging into a Microsoft account.

This means anyone can now jump on and start quizzing ChatGPT-powered AI on any topic they have their heart set on, but there's a caveat.

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Window Center spotted a tweet from Microsoft Vice President of Search Growth and Distribution (Bing) Michael Schechter announcing that Bing AI now offers unauthenticated chat access.

But while you don't have to log in to use the AI, you'll be limited to very short conversations – just five queries in a session. Those logged in get 20 queries per conversation.

In other Bing AI news, further improvements to the chatbot are the addition of a share button and more export options, as well as an improved copy and paste experience, and helpful little touches like marking new posts.

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Analysis: Bringing Bing to everyone faster

Remember when Bing AI first launched? Chatbots get into all kinds of troubles. Controversial weirdness due to getting off track during long chat sessions led Microsoft to impose strict limits on session length to address that specific issue.

The limit is five queries per session – which is exactly what unauthenticated users get now. In other words, this is the bare minimum. (Okay, obviously that's the minimum - anything less than five leaves little or no opportunity to explore any topic further).

Still, an absolute minimum is much better than nothing, so we're glad to see Microsoft take this route. This is a convenient way for those who haven't tried Bing AI yet, and of course, it also means extra traffic for Microsoft.

There's no doubt that Microsoft hopes that by giving people a taster of Bing, it will impress them enough to keep them logging in for a longer chat experience.

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