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Wall Street Insights

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The world’s first “smart” mine: Rio Tinto’s $2.2 billion “robot army”

Abstract: 50 driverless trains shuttle between 4 ports and 16 mines, and 1,200 driverless trucks speed through the billowing red smoke... This is the iron ore […]

Morgan Stanley: Big data is "the next big technology opportunity" and will drive US$1.6 trillion in investment

Abstract: Where is the next wave of opportunities in the technology industry? Morgan Stanley believes that a new big data-driven technology cycle has just begun, based on the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, virtualization or […]

Confessions of a “Big Short”: Why should blockchain enter the homes of ordinary people if it cannot bring trust?

Abstract: Analysts believe that so far, blockchain has not achieved large-scale adoption because systems based on trust, norms and institutions are more “[…]

Suning’s smart retail “Great Leap Forward”: wholly-owned acquisition of Dia China to accelerate the launch of Suning Store in Shanghai

Abstract: According to Yibang Power.com, the famous Spanish multinational supermarket chain Dia Tiantian stated that it has signed a binding agreement with Suning regarding the sale of Dia China 100% equity […]

Promote Blockchain Standardization The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is preparing to establish a Blockchain Standardization Committee

Abstract: The standardization of blockchain has always lagged behind technological development, but standardization is the key to the widespread application of blockchain technology. The development of blockchain standards is being promoted around the world. work[…]

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