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Secret Jungle

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These coin-sized micro-robots will be doctors’ powerful assistants on the operating table in the future.

Earlier, scientists were building an "anti-cancer army" composed of robots to serve as surgical assistants to human doctors. In February 2017, Philli, Germany […]

There is a robot here that "pretends" to be a hotel employee, making phone calls, delivering goods, and telling jokes.

At the CES conference, various high-tech products were unveiled. But many people may not know that there is also a technology "show" outside the venue. Las Vegas Convention Center […]

This is a pair of smart shoes that can send fall reminders and save your life at critical moments | CES2018

At the 2018 CES conference, in addition to mobile phone black technology, driverless cars and smart homes that will attract everyone’s attention, there are also some products that rely on humanized […]

Apple monopolizes "notches", Amazon and Google smart speakers battle | A week in Silicon Valley

Last week, a total of three startups within a 300-mile radius of Silicon Valley received a total of US$1.2691 billion in financing. Details […]

This smart refrigerator that “takes selfies” lets you say goodbye to your shopping list completely

Take a photo with the food before eating, take selfies when walking, take selfies when chatting... People seem to be addicted to "selfies", and want to take a photo anytime, anywhere and upload it to social networks [...]

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