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Agriculture Industry Watch

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lower the cost! Improve efficiency! Smart agriculture has become the mainstream of development, understand these 5 major trends

At the beginning of August, the Shandong provincial government held an executive meeting, which reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Smart Agriculture in the Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") in principle. It is understood that by 2 […]

Ma Yun published the latest views on "blockchain technology"; desert wasteland: you can raise chickens, pigs and sheep

Just because you have a great chance doesn't mean you will succeed. Sannong Daily, looking for new business opportunities! Let's find your future wealth with Mr. Agriculture... "Headline […]

Entrepreneurship Small Blackboard|Accelerators to Outperform the Times: Smart Agriculture!

subversion! Only the process of smart agriculture, outperforming the times, is the result of smart agriculture. Today, Mr. Agriculture combines three cases to analyze the wisdom of dry goods knowledge! What[…]

Knowledge|Be Smart in 2018! Reread "Smart Agriculture"

The development of Internet and Internet of Things technology has provided wings for smart agriculture to take off. The sky is vast, and the development prospects of smart agriculture are limitless. Smart agriculture is about […]

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