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Whirlpool sweeping robot L68M

Dual side brushes, close to the ground cruising, ultra-thin body, ultra-low noise

LG Smart Sweeping Robot VR65710LVMP Package

LG Smart Sweeping Robot VR65710LVMP Package

Cleanmate air purifying sweeping robot QQ6 Macaron

With air purifier, can be used alone; replaceable panel; dust identification; route planning; anti-collision, anti-drop; automatic backwash; cleaning time setting; virtualizer; with mopping module.

Philips smart vacuum automatic vacuum cleaner FC8792/82 automatic charging mopping function sweeping robot

1. Recharge sensor upgrade 2. Anti-drop upgrade 3. Anti-card and escape sensor

Haier sweeping robot TAB-TS60BSC Sky Eye Vision Navigation Home Fully Automatic Intelligent Wet Mopping Planning Sweeping Mop Wireless Automatic Vacuum Cleaner

Visual navigation dual planning electronically controlled intelligent wet mopping with handheld vacuum cleaner large battery and long battery life

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