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Smart city construction requires a more comprehensive comprehensive architecture planning

Since the concept of smart planet and smart city was put forward, we have been thinking about what makes a city different from previous cities? It is undeniable that today’s urban management[…]

Ranking of the world's top smart cities

Smart City (Smart City) is a hot word in recent years, but there are different opinions on what a Smart City is. Some say that at the heart of a smart city is a big […]

Intelligent Building——Another Rising Star in the Field of Smart City

With people's higher requirements for information exchange inside and outside buildings, safety, comfort, convenience and energy saving, the issue of building intelligence has gradually emerged. head[…]

Smart cities bring unlimited business opportunities

According to a study by the United Nations, by 2050, there will be 70% population concentrated in metropolitan areas, an increase of 2.3 billion people compared to 2010, and the silver-haired people over 60 years old[…]

Smart tourism, smart first

"Smart tourism" is a hot topic nowadays. What is "smart tourism"? Summarizing many theories, the content is roughly as follows: In terms of tourism consumption, there are electronic guides[…]

Smart community realizes smart people's livelihood

Against the background of rapidly increasing urban population, global urban pollution is increasing, water shortage, energy stress, traffic congestion, housing shortage, limited land space, infrastructure […]

Integrated prevention and control facilitates the transformation and upgrading of smart security

With the advent of the era of intelligent security, the three-dimensional prevention and control system has risen to the national strategic level. At the same time, the requirements for the overall three-dimensional prevention and control construction have further increased […]

Smart community, security first

Smart community is a new concept of community management and a new mode of social management innovation under the new situation. Smart community refers to making full use of the Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile Internet[…]

Security - the foundation of a smart city

A smart city is based on safety. The transformation from a safe city to a smart city is very comprehensive. This transformation is not simply an optimization and upgrade on the basis of a safe city, but a […]

The development of smart tourism still needs to be calm

In developed countries, although there are theories and formulations of SmartTourism (smart tourism, smart tourism), it is not a political performance that guides the government to carry out work[…]

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