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The function of Xiao Ai is greatly adapted! Even Redmi Note 7 can play "Voice Wake Up"

In order to bring more convenience to users, many newly released flagship models have added a voice wake-up "voice assistant" function. Now, Xiao Ai, Xiaomi’s voice assistant, is the […]

Marriage between Suning and Suning: What is the future of traditional electric vehicle physical stores in the era of smart retail

At present, smart retail is developing at a rapid pace, and it has become an indisputable fact that the market scale continues to expand. The "2017-2 […]

Buy a "machine" and get a Hasselblad lens? DJI Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom Drone Exposure

Tomorrow night, the Grand Prix will hold a press conference for new drones, and it is possible that Mavic 2 and other drone products will be released at the same time. And today, UK retailers […]

What can AI and AR change? The measured performance of vivo Y85 will tell you

Since the beginning of spring, both the temperature and the mobile phone market have gradually begun to heat up. Various manufacturers have taken turns to come up with their own flagship products, and they all have […]

Drones are still not forgotten: DJI Mavic Air drone exposure

A few days ago, DJI announced that it will hold a new product conference on the 23rd of this month (that is, today), and there are rumors that DJI will launch a small-sized […]

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