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Honggutan traffic police

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"Thinking traffic light"|Smart transportation gives wings to management

There are 19.53 million cars and 28.04 million motor vehicle drivers. In 2017, these two figures in Shandong have ranked first and second in the country respectively […]

"Experience from other places" Shenzhen tells you what is smart transportation?

What does a smart transportation city look like in your mind? No need to hail a car on the side of the road? Don't have to wait for the bus in the cold wind? Say goodbye to being blocked as soon as you go out? Today, with Shenzhen Communications Commission […]

"Experience from other places" six magic weapons to create a "Foshan sample" of smart traffic management on urban roads

Today (August 21), the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department held an on-site promotion meeting for comprehensive urban road traffic management in the province and a briefing meeting on the stage of the "Three Don'ts" creation activities in Foshan […]

"Experience from Other Places" Shenzhen Expressway What is smart transportation?

What does a smart transportation city look like in your mind? No need to hail a car on the side of the road? Don't have to wait for the bus in the cold wind? Say goodbye to being blocked as soon as you go out? Today, with Shenzhen Communications Commission […]

How does "Transportation Planning" jointly build a complete "smart transportation" travel service system?

Dynamic reports Recently, in order to speed up the implementation of the "13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Modern Comprehensive Transportation System" (Guofa [2017] No. 11), we insist on putting the people first [...]

Smart Transportation Monthly Suggestions and Comments

Honggutan Traffic Police Smart Traffic Monthly Suggestions and Comments Welcome! Editor of Smart Transportation Monthly: Friends who subscribe to our monthly magazine have always been very interested in […]

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