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Product Manager in Smart Home (Part 2)

The "ISO 9241-210 standard" defines user experience as: "People's cognitive impression of the product, system or service they use or expect to use [...]

Analysis from the perspective of product underlying design and activity operation: blockchain application - NetEase Planet

This article mainly analyzes the blockchain application - NetEase Planet from the perspective of product underlying design and activity operation. Let's take a look at what NetEase Planet is? Its development direction is as […]

Three-dimensional layout, how to plan an AI product?

In the previous article "Cognitive Upgrading, Why Can't Internet Thinking Make AI Hardware Well?" 》, we mentioned the difference between Internet thinking and hardware thinking. Make a good one […]

Skill tree that interaction designers should possess (3): Designer’s logical thinking

“For a true reasoner is able to deduce not only all aspects of the fact from a single detail, but all the consequences that flow from it. As […]

Conspirators are making trouble in the blockchain, and careerists are making a fuss in the field of knowledge payment.

Whether it is payment for knowledge or blockchain, payment for knowledge has already arrived after we abandoned the “free” business concept; and blockchain has been used as early as the financial crisis […]

Does Meituan really need to compete with Didi for share?

The war between Meituan and Didi is in full swing, but does Meituan really need to compete with Didi for share? Recently, Meituan has made a lot of enemies and is in full bloom. Online […]

Chuangda Capital Xu Hongbo: The epoch-making significance and three major trends of blockchain

He believes that there will be two great inventions in the blockchain 2.0 stage: one is smart contracts, and the other is to promote the flow of tokens. Starting from the end of 2017, the district […]

A must-have app for old men and aunts born in the 1980s: One-click farewell

At the beginning, what I said in this article is just a bit of product thinking used in casual conversations, and there are many shortcomings. I am very sorry if it causes psychological discomfort. At the same time, it is purely fictitious. If there is any similarity, please […]

Short videos are subverting self-media content marketing, are you ready?

Self-media originated from pictures and texts, and developed from pictures and texts plus videos. With the development of society, people’s awareness of the Internet is getting higher and higher, and self-media that adheres to pictures and texts is relying on short videos […]

Blockchain games, want to know?

With Bitcoin skyrocketing and falling, what else can be done? Is it speculating on tokens or playing games? Let’s learn about blockchain games from the article. “Seeing him […]

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