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ChatGPT might actually be good for this part of your business - but you won't like it

Author:techradar Time:2023/05/26 Reading: 6560
With the rise of generative AI and AI writers like ChatGPT and Bard, many workers are increasingly concerned that AI may soon replace them […]

With the rise of generative AI and AI writer Like ChatGPT and Bard, many workers are increasingly worried that artificial intelligence may soon replace their jobs, but a recent study suggests that may not be the case.

A document A study co-authored by researchers from Stanford University and MIT found that artificial intelligence improved employee productivity by nearly 14%, especially in chat and call handling, where workers reached resolution

The study also found that lower-skilled, less experienced workers benefit from AI, which helps soften the learning and experience acquisition curve.

Will generative AI be good for my job?

Overall, the study found that highly skilled workers benefited less from the technology, although it did play a role in raising average skill and experience levels across the board, helping companies perform better overall.

Summarizing the findings, the authors explain that "generative AI working alongside humans can have a significant positive impact on individual worker productivity and retention," debunking some concerns that AI will replace human workers entirely.

This article reflects on computing that has so far been limited to processing explicit rules, thus affecting only roles that handle repetitive tasks. However, with AI, its ability to train on unlabeled data has seen it take on more non-routine tasks such as coding, writing and designing.

The researchers concluded that there is generally positive sentiment toward artificial intelligence, citing increased worker productivity, improved customer sentiment, and reduced employee turnover, although admittedly long-term trends related to skill requirements, job design, customer demand, and wages are yet to emerge. get conclusion.

So far, a broader look at the world of work has shown uncertain evidence, with some companies cutting jobs in support of AI, others looking to attract new talent to tackle it, and one IBM executive suggesting AI won't Managers who replace managers but use AI will replace those who don’t.

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