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The Cortana version of Echo design produced by Harman Kardon has been leaked. Is Microsoft going to enter the smart speaker market?

Microsoft also wants to play the game of smart speakers. The guy in the title picture who looks like an Echo is manufactured by Harman Kardon, Microsoft’s Cor […]

PilotNet: Let AI learn to drive a vehicle from a human driver | AI News of the Week

Intelligent sense of security Deep Sentinel received Series A financing, bringing deep learning into home security Deep Sentine […]

Can "Phobia of Public Speaking" Be Beaten? Orai uses artificial intelligence to help users improve their speech skills

Public speaking is an excellent opportunity to convey ideas and show personal charm, but data shows that people with 75% will feel nervous and anxious when speaking in front of many people. “Speech fear […]

Agolo, an automated information processing startup that uses artificial intelligence to filter information, received a US$3.5 million investment from Microsoft

Agolo is a New York-based startup that aims to help businesses deal with information overload through artificial intelligence. The company recently announced that it has completed […]

The father of Microsoft HoloLens: Smartphones are dead, MR headsets are the future

“Smartphones are dead, and the future will be dominated by helmets.” The guy who said this is the general manager of Microsoft Hololens and another star product Kinect […]

After Amazon Echo and Google Home, Apple’s smart speaker Siri Hub may also be launched

After Amazon and Google launched smart speakers Amazon Echo and Google Home, in order not to fall too far behind in the competition […]

Microsoft releases first-quarter financial report, smartphone business revenue is only US$5 million

Microsoft announced its third fiscal quarter 2017 earnings on April 29. The financial report showed that the quarterly revenue was 221& […]


AI和大数据在争分夺秒深入到商业和生活中。未来每一家公司都可能是一家大数据公司,一家AI人工智能公司,正如现在 […]

Industrial changes catalyzed by black technology: A dialogue between investors and front-line entrepreneurs about artificial intelligence

Editor's note: This article comes from "Huaxing Capital", and the content is shared on "One π is a match·Huaxing π pair". The original title is "Pathfinding Artificial Intelligence: Industrial Change Catalyzed by Black Technology [...]

The artificial intelligence behind Google's artificial intelligence

Editor's note: When playing Go or Texas Hold'em, what everyone sees is often the glorious side of AI. As everyone knows, training AI often requires humans to provide unique data for it to learn […]

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