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VR/AR opens up smart tourism, and future tourists are expected to have a "travel" experience

Author:CYTS Lianke Time:2018/01/19 阅读:8964
The end of the year is coming soon, and it’s another peak travel period. Do you have your own travel plans? Nowadays, traveling has become an increasingly simple thing. Opening the mobile app […]

The end of the year is coming soon, and it’s another peak travel period. Do you have your own travel plans? Nowadays, traveling has become an increasingly simple thing. When you open a mobile app, you can find air tickets, hotels, and tickets for attractions. If you want to travel independently, the travel guides on travel websites are dazzling, and you can even tailor your travel plan...

With the popularization and development of Internet technology, the concept of smart tourism has penetrated into all aspects of the tourism market. Traveling on the go has technically become a reality. "VR/AR, 360-degree panoramic cameras, WiFi probes, big data..." The digital transformation of the tourism industry not only brings convenience to tourists, but also gives wings to imagination in the transformation of China's tourism industry.

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

In order to comply with the development trends and trends of modern tourism and use new technologies to "broaden the market" for ice and snow tourism products, the "2017 Heilongjiang Smart Tourism Training" hosted by the Heilongjiang Provincial Tourism Commission and hosted by Lianke was successfully held, with nearly 20 related participants Experts in the field presented a knowledge feast of smart tourism to the participants in two days.

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

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Many experts from the field of smart tourism focused on "Interpretation of Smart Tourism Construction Policy Directions", "Internet + 3D Global Tourism Service Platform", "Application of 720-degree Three-Dimensional Panoramic Technology in Scenic Areas" and "Ar, VR and Heilongjiang Tourism Discussion Directions" ", "Operation and Promotion of Tourism Social Platforms", "Creation and Planning of Tourism Videos in Scenic Areas", "Innovative Application of Aerial Photography Technology in Tourism Scenic Areas" and other topics discussed more possibilities for the development of smart tourism.

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

Zhang Lingyun, Dean of the Tourism Development Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

This training made innovations in the training method and adopted an immersive training method of "teaching + experience". A number of exhibitors were invited to the site to bring new technology experience equipment such as VR and AR, providing students with on-site experience and opportunities to communicate and interact with experts, which won high praise from the students. At the same time, each exhibitor will be invited to the WeChat group to facilitate further communication and exchange after the conference.

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

Participants who experienced VR skiing said excitedly that through virtual reality technology, wearing special glasses and simulating skiing movements, they can feel the same dynamic scenery as skiing from the screen, and even feel the "joy and joy of gliding". The thrill of falling", this is simply a living advertisement for Heilongjiang ski tourism that "everything is unspeakable".

A training meeting full of useful information, of course, you need to take careful notes. This training has carefully prepared a training manual for each trainee. The training schedule, instructor introduction, other matters that need to be paid attention to during the training, etc. are distributed to the trainees through the training manual, so that the trainees can understand the training process and record the training notes.

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

In addition, the caring friends of Lianke have also set up an official WeChat group to summarize and notify the key points, difficulties and precautions of the day's course, and provide students with detailed and thoughtful services.

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

This training caters to the development trend of China's tourism industry and implements the "Tourism + Internet" Action Plan issued by the National Tourism Administration. Through this systematic and comprehensive training, Heilongjiang will strengthen exchanges and in-depth cooperation between scenic spots and new technology (VRAR short video) companies. In the future, tourists can "travel" around the world to experience Heilongjiang's ice and snow journey, and then come here with unlimited yearning to experience the "smart tourist attraction" with new functions such as free WIFI, smart tour guides, electronic explanations, online bookings, and information push. ”, realizing the transformation from “attracting” to “attracting visitors to the province”!

VR/AR 开启智慧旅游,未来游客有望“穿越”体验

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