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Insightful smart community has implemented China Post Express Easy Smart Express Cabinet and has become a solid practitioner?

Author:Internet News Flash Time:2018/07/13 Read: 3803
With the progress of smart city pilot construction, my country's smart city construction has entered the practical stage. As an important entrance and landing contact point for smart cities, the big egg of smart communities […]

With the progress of smart city pilot construction, my country's smart city construction has entered the practical stage. As an important entrance and landing touch point for smart cities, the battle for the big cake of smart communities has also begun. However, both "Prospect" and "Qianjing" are smart communities that have been recognized by various industries and fields, but the construction process is faltering. It can be said that so far, except for smart logistics, few people have actually directly touched the existence of smart communities, and this idea is still floating in the air.

How can we bring the high-concept smart community down from the illusory "altar", bring convenient life to residents in a down-to-earth manner, and bring impetus to the construction of smart cities? From the smart express cabinets that have begun to touch smart communities, we may be able to Find a way to land.

Smart communities should adhere to the original intention of providing convenience to the people. As a systematic construction, they also need strong leaders.

The essence of a smart community is to provide convenience to the people. Therefore, the implementation of smart community-related projects must adhere to the original intention of providing convenience to the people and reject the practice of taking advantage of the trend to make money. In addition, smart communities, as a systematic construction, require the participation of market leaders in order to have the leader. This is why smart express lockers can take the lead in touching smart communities.

As early as the 2015 National Postal Work Conference, China Post Group proposed the "one body, two wings" business development strategy. "Integration" means to actively create a comprehensive online and offline convenient service platform that adapts to the modern e-commerce development model based on postal window resources and guided by market demand. The "two wings" are the financial wing and the delivery wing. Among them, the delivery wing refers to the various delivery services operated by China Post. It is necessary to take the development of e-commerce delivery as an opportunity to re-establish the postal service's dominant position in the delivery market. The proposal of the "One Body, Two Wings" strategy is actually China Post Group's emphasis on the convenience attribute of postal services. This is exactly in line with the postal convenience and universal service policy and the convenience nature of smart communities, making China Post Group the leader in smart community logistics services. .

Intelligent express cabinets, especially the China Post Express Intelligent Express Cabinet, which is a national team, serve as community logistics terminal infrastructure and provide 7×24-hour mail delivery services. With the blessing of cloud computing, big data and other information technologies, they not only create intelligent With the advanced logistics terminal services, driven by the superior resources of China Post Group, it has also been able to take the lead in reaching smart communities.

洞见智慧社区落地 中邮速递易智能快递柜成扎实的实践者?

Picture: China Post Express Easy Smart Express Cabinet, the first to reach the smart community

It is not easy to reach smart communities. Size, resources and entry time are all "thresholds"

Although smart communities are still in the exploratory stage, it is not easy for smart hardware to truly reach smart communities. How to enter the community at a low cost has already eliminated a number of smart hardware. Moreover, entering a single community cannot realize a true smart community. Smart hardware still needs to be promoted to many communities across the country, and a richer database can be built to form a true ecological closed loop. For smart hardware, they will be faced with volume and resources. and other comprehensive ability considerations.

However, smart express cabinets obviously do not have such troubles. The "Opinions on Promoting the Coordinated Development of E-Commerce and Express Logistics" issued by the General Office of the State Council clarified for the first time the public nature of express terminal service venues, requiring professional, public, platform-based and intensive express terminal outlets. Provide land use guarantee and other supporting policies. This means that smart express lockers have been included in the relevant planning of public service facilities, which solves the problem of high admission fees for smart express lockers to enter communities. This is also the reason why smart express lockers can be the first to deploy smart communities.

At the same time, since the launch of the first smart express cabinet by China Post Express in 2012, the smart express cabinet industry has matured after years of market ups and downs. Both in terms of size and business coverage, smart express cabinets have become quite mature. scale. For example, China Post Express, which develops smart express lockers, has achieved full nationwide coverage since its development in 2012. After years of market cultivation, it has already been recognized by users.

What is even more noteworthy is that China Post Express, which has entered the national team, also has the resource advantage provided by China Post Group. In particular, vigorously promoting end-of-logistics services has always been China Post's convenience strategy, which means that China Post Express Smart Express Cabinets can participate in the construction of China Post's postal infrastructure and quickly provide services with lower costs and more resource advantages. Major communities across the country are promoting it.

Smart community projects need to meet the rigid needs of users in order to avoid the embarrassment of birth and death.

With the help of capital, smart community projects are blooming everywhere, but the embarrassment of birth and death also occurs from time to time. The reason is that many products under the banner of smart communities have no reason to choose in the eyes of the owners. They do not meet the owners' urgent needs.

The most common ones are those community social platform products, which attempt to connect customers through online community circles and build a micro-ecology within the community. However, the existence of WeChat groups, Taobao, 58.com, etc. has made this bonus window period long past. Only by understanding the needs of users, promoting online and offline collaboration, and providing convenient and attentive services to geographically aggregated consumers can we form a truly closed loop of community-based smart life.

This is why smart express cabinets have quickly gained recognition from users. With the rapid development of consumption models such as e-commerce and community O2O in my country, the scale of express delivery has grown rapidly year by year. According to statistics from the State Post Bureau, the total volume of express delivery business nationwide reached 40.06 billion items in 2017. It is expected that the express delivery business volume will reach 70 billion in 2020, and the compound growth rate of express delivery business volume from 2018 to 2020 is 19.5%.

In addition, the labor gap in the express delivery industry is increasing. According to data from the Ali Research Institute, there has been an insufficient supply of couriers in recent years. In the next three years, the average daily express delivery volume nationwide will increase from 114 million pieces to 200 million pieces. According to the current delivery efficiency, the shortage of couriers will be around 10,000 people in three years. The growing business volume and labor shortage will bring great distribution pressure to the terminal.

In addition, whether the express delivery is deposited in a convenience store or a property management office, from the moment it is deposited, the package enters a state where there is no isolation protection and may be touched by anyone. There is no logistics information tracking and no dedicated protection. The " "The last mile" has become the most easily lost section of the road. This is an undesirable situation for property owners and property owners. Therefore, smart express lockers that can not only solve users' collection problems, meet property security management needs, protect user privacy, but also reduce costs and increase efficiency for the logistics industry will undoubtedly be quickly accepted by all parties.

There are more things to do and be able to do in smart communities

However, in general, among the four levels of smart community basic hardware-property management and security services-smart homes-convenience services, smart logistics focused on smart express lockers is only one entry point, but the future is by no means limited to these entry points. . We can also get a glimpse of it from the product layout of China Post Express.

Not long ago, China Post Express announced the online shipping function of smart express cabinets across the country, which means that with the help of smart express cabinets, China Post Express has opened up both ends of logistics and built a smart logistics ecological closed loop that serves the community. At the same time, China Post Express is constantly enriching the functions of smart express cabinets, such as cooperating with express logistics companies to jointly promote reverse logistics; cooperating with second-hand electronic product recycling platforms to jointly explore the development path of circular economy; continuously Explore the value of smart express cabinets as community media and play their role in the construction of community spiritual civilization... It can be said that China Post Express Smart Express Cabinets are no longer just smart terminals that provide delivery services, but have certain economic functions. , an important pole of smart communities with political functions, cultural functions, social management and social integration functions.

The current service model is not the end of China Post Express. As one of the smart terminals, the widespread use of smart express cabinets has brought more big data applications. User habits, consumption patterns, life needs, etc. can all be found in smart express delivery. Reflected on the cabinet. Especially with the development of AI and other technologies, the China Post Express Smart Express Cabinet, as the main entrance to community life, may also change the rhythm of community life, transform community services from passive to active, and contribute to community management, community humanities construction, etc. As the work progresses, we will create a better smart community environment for users. At the same time, for the upstream and downstream of the entire industrial chain linking smart express lockers, the rich big data accumulated by smart express lockers will affect the composition model of the entire supply chain, thus leveraging the entire smart community ecology.

Industry insiders said that the construction of smart communities that change lifestyles is bound to be challenging, and creating new models of community management and services also requires new ways of thinking. But no matter what, meeting the urgent needs of community life, finding appropriate organizational methods, and carrying out effective service integration are the paths that must be taken in the construction of smart communities. At this point, smart express locker companies represented by China Post Express have found a suitable path.

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