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SMBs are increasingly turning to AI for help

Author:techradar Time:2023/06/01 阅读:3428
More than half (57%) of small businesses are “eager” to expand their knowledge of generative AI and how it can be used to help their […]

More than half (57%) of small businesses are "eager" to expand their knowledge of generative AI and how it can be used to help their business, claims website builder giant GoDaddy.

Findings come from a survey of more than 1,000 U.S. SMEs, 38 percent of whom are already using or experimenting with generative AI tools and AI writer Just like ChatGPT and Bard.

Already, three quarters (75%) of those who have tried such a tool report a "very good" or "excellent" performance, while only 4% are dissatisfied with the results.

Generative AI for SMEs

While larger companies and businesses often have access to more resources, SMEs often find themselves struggling to balance all that comes with running a business, and startups find themselves under more pressure.

In recent months, artificial intelligence tools have proven valuable in assisting with repetitive and objective tasks, helping to free up time for business leaders and employees to focus on more subjective work and directing the business.

Respondents to the survey also expressed concerns about attracting new customers, increasing revenue, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, marketing, and creating social media and website content.

The advent of so many AI tools has made all of this possible in less time and with more variety, providing SMEs with new capabilities to differentiate themselves. In fact, nearly two-thirds (64%) of participants are already experimenting with AI for various content generation purposes.

For those unsure how to get the best out of chatbots like ChatGPT, GoDaddy has put together a Over 100 customizable prompt lists Covers most of the key business areas, and Artificial Intelligence Guide .

According to the Small Business Association, small businesses account for 99 percent of all businesses in the U.S. and represent a large market and huge growth potential for AI companies as SMBs begin to think more seriously about their role in everyday tasks.

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