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Smart Transportation in Copenhagen

Author:ivan Time:2018/05/31 阅读:3764
Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is known as the "City of Bicycles". In recent years, in order to achieve the goal of zero emissions, Copenhagen has tried to encourage citizens to travel by bicycle. 201 […]

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is known as the "City of Bicycles". In recent years, in order to achieve the goal of zero emissions, Copenhagen has tried to encourage citizens to travel by bicycle. In 2010, Copenhagen began to promote a smart bicycle to make cycling easier. The bicycles have batteries that store energy in their wheels and radio-frequency identification technology (RFIT) or global positioning system (GPS) on the handlebars, converging into a "bike stream". Safeguard travel through the signaling system. At the same time, the government has vigorously improved the construction of supporting facilities along the route, such as establishing service stations and providing simple repair tools, which provide convenience for bicycle travel. The data shows that this new type of bicycle and supporting facilities is really effective, and more and more citizens are cycling longer distances to reduce the use of transportation that produces greenhouse gases. It is estimated that by 2015, the proportion of Copenhagen citizens who choose to travel by bicycle to and from the suburbs will reach 50%.

In order to let everyone understand the proportion of carbon emission reduction more intuitively, it can be said that if you travel by car, you will emit the most carbon dioxide. If you take a bus, you can reduce this figure to 50% by yourself, and if you choose rail transit, you can further reduce it to 20%. In order to encourage citizens to use rail transit as much as possible, the Copenhagen city government has carried out overall planning. The core idea is to allow all residents to come out of their homes and get on the rail transit very conveniently within one kilometer. Can effectively reduce the use of private cars. So, how to solve the distance of this kilometer? Copenhagen is known as the "City of Bicycles" and has a good mass base. On top of this, the government has also built three environmentally friendly bicycle expressways to alleviate traffic congestion. The supporting facilities along the way must not be left behind, and the service stations provide simple repair tools, etc., which also provide convenience for bicycle travel.

In order to achieve the big goal of becoming a carbon neutral city by 2025, Copenhagen is aiming to further improve the efficiency of urban traffic and put the goal on transforming traffic lights. In February 2015, this action plan called Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) was passed by the city council. Copenhagen plans to invest 60 million kroner (about 46 million yuan) to build 380 "smart traffic lights". The purpose is to use these new signal lights to obtain real-time traffic information, so as to adjust the traffic efficiency according to the real-time traffic information.

As part of the smart city plan, this smart signal light has some new equipment, such as 66 cameras, Bluetooth sensors, etc., which can monitor the number of vehicles and pedestrians on the road, and the corresponding area range. For another example, these signal lights installed on the road can use the camera to monitor the number of motor vehicles such as motorcycles, and can also locate all the buses equipped with GPS positioning in the city in time. If the bus is seriously delayed, it can be adjusted accordingly. green light duration. In addition, these smart signal lights can also rely on Bluetooth to detect the signals of smartphones carried by pedestrians, and then determine their number. In 2014, they tested it once after a ball game, and the congestion time was halved from 40 minutes. In order to improve the efficiency of bicycles, green wave signal lights are built on urban roads. If the green light on the ground goes out, cyclists know that they need to speed up in order to catch up with the green light ahead.

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