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2019 WeChat Annual Report - See if it's you

Author:rain Time:2020/02/06 Reading: 7707
Source · China News Network (ID: cns2012) ▼ Another year spent with the company of WeChat. It is no exaggeration to say that many people’s basic necessities […]

source · China News Network (ID: cns2012)

Another year spent with WeChat. It is no exaggeration to say that many people's daily necessities, food, housing and transportation are inseparable from WeChat, so WeChat also reflects everyone's "personality" to a certain extent.

On January 9, the "2019 WeChat Annual Data Report" was released. After reading it, I found that it was "myself" correctly...


In 2019, the number of monthly active accounts on WeChat exceeded 1.1 billion.


WeChat user activity peak,

Generally concentrated before lunch and after get off work.


This time period seems to be "women's time",

Neither "buy, buy, buy" nor "eat melon" can be left behind.



Some people's "nightlife" has begun,

Are you at a party with friends?

Many people will choose to open mini games at this time.

relax for a moment.


Around 9 p.m.,

Everyone has enough to eat and drink,

Maybe take a break,

Look what happened on this day.

Young people are keen on the two-dimensional world,

Middle-aged people pay more attention to their daily life of daily necessities.


In the circle of friends,

Men prefer to share work and games,

Women love to share food and emotions.


You are still checking Moments at 11:30 in the night,

Did you go to bed earlier this year?

Many people say, "The world is so big and I want to see it."

In the end, I just saw the world in my circle of friends.


It's better to move bricks carefully.

Otherwise, how would you have the money to see the world!

Speaking of making money,

"Post-90s" are the protagonists!

They are not "exquisite poor";

But "the province should spend its flowers."



Speaking of spending money,

WeChat Pay data shows that

Men pay more for meals.

Women mostly pay for shopping.

Men receive 42% red envelopes every month.

The woman received a red envelope of 58%.




Every night at 10 o'clock,

WeChat Exercise will remind you how many steps you have taken today.

Who occupies the cover of how many friends?

In 2019, the average number of daily steps per person on WeChat was 6,932.

This number will drop off a cliff as soon as the weekend comes.

Less than 100 stepsThe number of users reaches 12 million!

Sure enough, everyone still likes to stay at home...




Are these your favorite WeChat emoticons?



Have your circle of friends been flooded with the song below?


Have you ever sighed from the bottom of your heart:

It's so hard for me!


After reading these statistics,

I have to admit,

It's me...


After reading this report,

Do you feel it is "yourself"?

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