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Microsoft brought more than a dozen companies to Hangzhou. What were they doing?

Author:zhejiang news Time:2018/04/15 Reading: 5897
2018-04-15 11:34 | Zhejiang News Client | Trainee reporter Zhang Chao△Xu Mingqiang, chief technology officer of Microsoft Greater China 1 […]

2018-04-15 11:34 | Zhejiang News Client | Trainee reporter Zhang Chao

微软带着十几家公司来杭州 它们干啥来了?

△Xu Mingqiang, chief technology officer of Microsoft Greater China

On the 13th, Microsoft Greater China Chief Technology Officer Xu Mingqiang led more than a dozen companies and innovation teams from all over the country to Hangzhou to support the China CIO Series Innovation Exchange Conference·Hangzhou Station. At the exchange meeting, these companies and teams established contact with potential customers and investment institutions, and the two parties communicated face-to-face on technology and needs.

Participants in the roadshows and exchanges were all companies focusing on enterprise-level applications and digital solutions, covering manufacturing, retail and general fields. The team involved advanced technologies in big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things and other fields. It has broad application prospects and growth potential in various business fields. There is a leading knowledge-based robot - Wulai, a big data service company focusing on enterprise big data - Shulan Technology, and an industrial Internet platform port - Ward Yunzhi, etc., which respectively represent the most innovative technological trends and cutting-edge developments in China. .

微软带着十几家公司来杭州 它们干啥来了?

"Hangzhou is the highland of Internet innovation in the country. Coming to Hangzhou to communicate with local companies and investors can help us understand the trends in cutting-edge technologies." Many corporate information directors who came to participate in the exchange meeting said so.

"The teams that came to Hangzhou today all brought a lot of the technologies and products we need. One of them has what we are looking for. I believe their products can help us realize the informatization and digital transformation of the enterprise." A former Yang Jun, the head of a local enterprise in Hangzhou, who came to participate in the exchange meeting, said.

This event is hosted by Microsoft and Beijing Junhua Shichuang Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Junhua Shichuang") and hosted by Panorama Liangcang Accelerator.

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