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Singapore Autonomous Driving and Electronic Toll Collection System

Author:ivan Time:2018/05/28 阅读:3824
Smart transportation in Singapore is developing very fast in the world. Singapore has emerged as a frontier for testing autonomous vehicles, providing autonomous vehicles and public transport […]

Smart transportation in Singapore is developing very fast in the world. Singapore has become a frontier for testing autonomous vehicles, opening its streets to self-driving cars and buses. Nanyang Technological University has been testing short-distance transportation on a small scale as early as five years ago. MIT's nuTonomy has tested self-driving taxis on the streets of Singapore and announced a plan to serve Nanyang Technological full-scale robot cars. Built on the basis of unmanned driving technology.

The key to driverless technology lies in sensors. Governments use sensors to track the trajectories of bus fleets. By analyzing this data, it is possible to identify problem areas and develop solutions to deal with them. Experts said that through the initial identification of which areas have a greater demand for buses, the measures taken have reduced the congestion of 90% and reduced the waiting time by an average of 3-5 minutes. The next step is to broadly apply this technology to private transportation.

At the same time, the superiority of Singapore's smart transportation is also reflected in its electronic toll collection system. Singapore has collected car taxes through the electronic toll collection system for more than ten years. By 2020, the next-generation system will have more comprehensive functions. A government-controlled WeChat navigation system will be installed in all vehicles. This system can monitor the position of the car at any time in the background and provide a large amount of data for analysis. Managers can monitor the traffic conditions across the country, from the number of vehicles to the average speed, and will mark the congestion and accident sections through the road layout map. The system monitors traffic conditions to such an extent that it can display every vehicle on the road at any given time. This technology has already brought immediate benefits to citizens, and the next generation ERP system will provide additional services to passengers. On-street parking meters will be ditched in favor of automated payments. This is closely related to another policy promoted by the government to reduce cash and increase electronic payment. This traffic system will also collect data to provide passengers with timely and accurate traffic information.

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