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Good news for smart cities: New formats and new models lead to new types of consumer opinions released!

Author:I'm Wang Chang Time:2020/09/25 Read: 3808
  Made a sketch to interpret the document. Wang Yonggang, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Smart City Forum, believes that, in short, it is "to drive the whole […]



A sketch was made to interpret the document.


Wang Yonggang, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Smart City Forum, believes that, in short, it is a development path that forces supply-side reform by “driving the overall situation online.”


First of all, in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation, Chinese people have become accustomed to ordering online, paying online, and obtaining services offline. The next step is to integrate medical care, entertainment, fitness, education and services online. Place orders, pay online, and obtain services online or offline.


According to this logic, we will also drive greater consumption, but if we want to better achieve the above goals, we need faster logistics and express services, and safer, flexible, and rapid production and customization services. This must be The entire process of logistics, production, supply, production and marketing needs to be comprehensively upgraded and shortcomings addressed, especially the support of digital technology and the application of various intelligent technologies are needed.


In order to cater to the business brought about by the increase in online consumption, enterprises are the main body to upgrade and make up for their shortcomings. The government needs to build the necessary information network infrastructure and improve the level of transportation infrastructure. The government needs to vigorously improve the business environment, simplify approvals, and speed up customs clearance. , rapid transportation requires the government to formulate incentive policies and measures to guide enterprises to actively transform towards digitalization.


Wang Yonggang, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Smart City Forum, believes that this is actually another benefit for the construction of smart cities. The operation of smart cities will have a new direction, building a smart city service platform to provide online services for residents and enterprises. , drive comprehensive local improvement and development through online services.


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