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Smart Community APP: Entering the Era of Smart Community

Author:Fenghua Zhengmao Technology Time:2017/05/04 Reading: 3748
Nowadays, with the continuous development of science and technology in our country, when smartphones enter our lives and become a necessity of life, our lives have undergone considerable changes. especially[…]

Nowadays, with the continuous development of science and technology in our country, when smartphones enter our lives and become a necessity of life, our lives have undergone considerable changes. In particular, the emergence of the Smart Community APP provides homeowners with a full range of property management, living, consumption, and entertainment services, bringing the surrounding life with them. The following is explained in detail by Fenghua Zhengmao Technology.


Fenghua Zhengmao Technology

The smart community app can integrate property services, information notifications, property payment, surrounding shops, community activities, community circles and many other life support information and services into a small mobile phone, bringing convenience and benefits to community residents. For residents of the community, it integrates the services of the community and surrounding consumption. Opening the client, you can learn about the property notices of the community, obtain property services, shop at discounts in surrounding businesses, and interact with other residents in the community, which greatly facilitates the community daily life of residents.

The smart community APP can break the barriers between people, and community residents can join discussion groups and communicate through the APP. At the same time, the social section of the smart community is established online. Residents can organize interesting activities such as interest groups and topics, and they can also talk to each other, so that unfamiliar residents can establish a relatively friendly relationship through communication, and help each other at ordinary times. The whole community looks better. harmonious.

Young people have a richer world, and the elderly also have the same passion for life. Nowadays, many communities are aging seriously, and children go to work during the day, so the elderly are more lonely, especially those with limited mobility. The smart community establishes entertainment activities among the elderly through the community platform.

The smart community APP can satisfy users with various community services, including paying utility bills, property fees, providing community social platforms, ordering meals, traveling, finding housekeeping and other services. Community Harmony.

In order to provide the owners with a safe and secure environment, the APP also provides the owners with the functions of issuing visitor passes and release slips on their mobile phones. Only visitors who have been approved by the owners can enter or leave the community to better maintain community safety and effectively Controlling the entry and exit of idlers also provides a more convenient method for the management and control of the property.

Reminder: With the rapid development of the mobile Internet today, an innovative smart community APP is provided for the owners, so that the owners can live more safely and comfortably, and realize the grand blueprint of "creating a better life together".

Article source: www.fenghuaapp.com

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