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The future is here (NICE nexidia)

Author:Han Yun Time:2020/11/30 阅读:3794
English original “Technology is everywhere and positioned as the driving force behind innovation. Artificial intelligence machine learning will become more […]

original english version

“Technology is everywhere and positioned as the driving force behind innovation.
Artificial intelligence machine learning will become smarter in understanding the things we like and dislike, not only improving our personal lives, but also helping us by automating processes to improve efficiency, market competitiveness and customer satisfaction. Work.
Contact center quality assurance is an example of how AI can transform a largely manual process into a fully automated adaptive agent performance program that is proven to maximize customer satisfaction metrics.
The technology is now available to contact centers of all sizes through the industry-first ENLIGHTEN Behavioral Model, which delivers unique insights from massive data sets by explaining the specific soft skill behaviors of business agents that influence customer sentiment. "

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