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FedEx keeps 20 Tesla semi-all-electric big rig trucks

Author:Zhang Yue Time:2018/04/05 Reading: 3758
FedEx is the latest major logistics company to lock in an order for Tesla's upcoming Semi electric Class 8 trailer. According to FedEx itself […]

fedex Is Tesla the latest big logistics company to lock in an order? The upcoming Semi electric Class 8 trailer. According to a press release from FedEx itself, the shipping provider has ordered 20 vehicles, which will be in use at FedEx Freight.

FedEx's order dwarfs an initial commitment from rival UPS: Big Brown placed a reservation for 125 of the Tesla truck late last year, shortly after the car's initial unveiling. FedEx Freight CEO Mike Ducker said in a statement that the company's investment in this initial booking is part of an overall effort to reduce its environmental impact, so it may commit to more if it does so. .

Tesla has a lot of cumulative orders for its Semi, but each order is only a small pilot compared to the business scale of the ordering company. Tesla recently started running pre-production vehicles that are actually shipping for its own use, targeting a 2019 initial production date for the electric truck.

Original: https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/26/fedex-reserves-20-tesla-semi-all-electric-big-rig-trucks/

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