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Apple wants to 'retrofit' the iPhone with generative AI

Author:techradar Time:2023/05/26 阅读:2330
Apple has been eyeing N.Chat, Chat, Google Bard and other similar tools: So far this month, the company has released AI […]

Apple has been eyeing N. Chat, Chat, Google Bard and other similar tools: The company has posted 28 job opportunities in AI so far this month, giving us a clear indication that Apple ready to invest in this technology.

As found by 9 to 5mac, one of the listings is a visual generative modeling research engineer. The role will be part of "a group that will shape the way derivative AI technologies transform Apple's mobile computing platform," the description said.

That sounds pretty ambitious to us. It's unclear what these roles mean to users, but the number of roles now open and the language used in their descriptions will show that Apple is serious about generative AI.

AI and everything

Sure, there's plenty of artificial intelligence embedded in Apple products—whether it's finding pictures of cats or recognizing Siri voice commands—but it seems like it might be taking it to a whole new level in terms of what it's capable of.

With recent reports suggesting that Apple knows it's lagging behind the likes of OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google in the AI race, we've already written about the responses Apple needs if it wants to compete in this particular field.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is on the record as saying that the latest advances in generative AI are "very interesting," but has also said that Apple will be "thoughtful" about its approach to the technology – so watch this space.

Analysis: apply here

You can search for AI-related jobs at Apple yourself, and you can see that they cover a whole bunch of different teams and positions. As you'd expect, you'll need a lot of talent, experience, and passion to fulfill the requirements of one of these positions.

Languages vary across different lists, but we found references to "Siri's next-generation natural language understanding capabilities" and "key shifts in AI technology leading the revolution in human-computer interaction."

It's this language that makes us think Apple is taking generative AI very seriously. Whether Siri will turn into a ChatGPT-style bot remains to be seen, but that's one of the possibilities pointed to by the latest batch of job listings.

Apple knows that if it doesn't move fast on AI, someone else will. OpenAI just launched ChatGPT for iOS, although there are plenty of other third-party tools that can bring top-of-the-line AI tools to your Apple product. Alternatively, you can use iOS Shortcuts to enhance Siri with ChatGPT. 

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