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Google Docs just got smarter — and collapsible?

Author:techradar Time:2023/05/26 阅读:4809
In its eternal struggle to replicate Microsoft 365 and even Office has been around for a long time, Google Docs is gaining - sure […]

In its eternal struggle, copying Microsoft 365 Even Office has had it for a long time, and Google Docs is getting - make sure you sit down - collapsible headers.

That's fine - it keeps the docs from feeling messy or unruly, we just don't know why this isn't happening until 2023.

Should announcement , posted on the Google Workspace updates blog, revealed that the change will soon be reaching Google Workspaces and individual users, however, as often happens with us, we found that the feature wasn't available specifically for us just yet.

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When we assert that Google software has always been behind the times, we're not bucking the trend for clicks Decided to chase the AI zeitgeist after Microsoft's success in this space Or the still lack of reorderable headings in the document outline, which means I prefer to use the Microsoft Word .

It's a shame that Google is taking AI (which, as we're currently being urged to understand, is just a form of machine learning) to be everything and end everything. 

The best way to enhance a productivity tool Not throwing in the buzzwords and the promise of a personal assistant to do your work for you. Less ambitious features, less concerned with grabbing headlines, but more important in making the work bearable.

Google apparently uses this method a bit from column a and column b. Its happy medium is like" smart chip "With Google Workspace, documents are allowed to contain links to other files, documents, people or events, allowing them to better centralize information.

"Smart chip" is good because "smart" here means "convenience", not "literal feeling". I feel like I'm on a topic here, having written about Disadvantages of artificial intelligence in office software Recently, but I might want to revise what I wrote there.

Not so much that I need to be dazzled by innovation to maintain my awareness, I just need to be able to get through the day without throwing out my cloud drive Office Software outside the window.

So, Google, take note: Make it easy to export images from Documents without making me download a zip. The html file for the entire document, doing the reorderable outline thing, just generally falls back to 2003. It all sounds reasonable.

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