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Google Glass is coming back soon: new AR augmented reality features

Author:Mobile China Time:2018/02/28 Read: 4350
[Mobile China News] Recently, foreign media said that Google is about to restart the Google Glass plan and will also add AR augmented reality functions. Recently, Gu […]

[Mobile China News] Recently, foreign media said that Google is about to restart the Google Glass plan and will also add AR augmented reality functions. A few days ago, Outlaw, head of Google's hardware business, said in an interview: "We are trying to determine other ways that are most suitable for experiencing AR. Our testing scope is not limited to mobile phones. We have been studying various form factors, but We have no plans to release new products in the short term, it will take some time for the technology to mature and we will invest in this area for the long term as the technology has started to catch up with people's expectations."


Google smart glasses (picture from the Internet)

Google Glass is a smart product released by Google in April 2012. It has the same functions as a smartphone. It can control photos, video calls and directions through voice control, as well as surf the Internet, process text messages and emails, etc. The invention of Google Glass has attracted great attention from global media and public opinion.


Google smart glasses (picture from the Internet)

Unfortunately, this product has been questioned as an infringement of personal privacy. Because the wearer can quietly take pictures of the surroundings, some cinemas, bars and other institutions around the world have publicly announced that people wearing Google Glass are prohibited from entering. Subsequently, Google stopped the project.

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