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Jack Ma’s speech at Zhibo Expo: There will be three core technologies in the future: intelligent manufacturing, IOT, and blockchain

Author:E-dimensional machinery Time:2018/08/23 阅读:808
Jack Ma, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, said at the first China International Intelligent Industry Expo held in Chongqing: There will be three core technologies in the future: intelligent manufacturing, IOT, […]

Jack Ma, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, said at the first China International Intelligent Industry Expo in Chongqing: There will be three core technologies in the future: intelligent manufacturing, IOT, and blockchain. He also said that the real economy and the Internet will be inseparable from each other in the future. In the future, 90%’s retail will be on the Internet, and 90%’s manufacturing will be on the Internet.


The following is part of Jack Ma’s speech:

New manufacturing is the perfect combination of manufacturing and service industries. There will be no pure manufacturing industry or pure service industry in the future. The future manufacturing industry must be the service industry. The service industry must also be a manufacturing industry. The future manufacturing industry will not be standardized and large-scale, but will be personalized, customized, and intelligent.

Robots will replace many jobs on the assembly line, but the service industry will create a large number of new jobs, because the manufacturing industry needs people to design, experience, and innovate. Therefore, the engine of the future manufacturing industry is not manufacturing. The engine of the future manufacturing industry is Modern service industry.


There are three core technologies in the future: intelligent manufacturing, IOT, and blockchain. Data is a key element of new manufacturing, and making good use of data is the capability of intelligent technology and an insurmountable gateway to intelligence. Smart technology will play an increasingly important role in new manufacturing. IOT and blockchain technology are promoting huge changes in the Internet itself. Today's IOT is not IOT in the true sense. I think it is just that many people who sell hardware or software find reasons to sell better.


Finally, machines have intelligence, animals have instinct, and humans have wisdom. We must believe in the power of intelligence and wisdom, but it is not technology that changes the world, but the ideals and dreams behind technology; it is not intelligence that leads the future, but the wisdom of the people behind intelligence. I believe that machines will become smarter than people, but people are smarter than machines. The wisdom that humans possess can never be obtained by machines. Intelligence means that we know what we want, and wisdom means knowing what we don’t want. Machines can be smarter, and can It is fast and can be more accurate, but machines cannot have values, dreams, or love, because machines only have movements and chips, while humans have love.


The war between man and machine is a joke in itself. I think so. Go is a fun game between people. Go is not about seeking misfortune between people and machines. We do not pursue technology for the sake of technology. We pursue technology to solve social problems and solve future problems. We respect technology, but there is no need to worry too much about technology. Only those who do not learn and are not confident will worry about the future and these things.


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