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Those with high school education and below will be replaced by robots

Author:Jiangsu Adult Education Network Time:2018/08/28 Read: 6898
Gates: Workers with a high school education or less will be replaced by robots. We're destroying manufacturing jobs fast, and that's a good thing. This will reduce product cost while […]

Gates: Workers with a high school education and below will be replaced by robots. We're destroying manufacturing jobs at a rapid rate, and that's a good thing. This will reduce the cost of the product and people will demand more of it. This also means that if the population is not well educated, it will suffer.

On June 29, Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently accepted an interview with the Financial Times. In the interview, Gates talked about innovation in the technology industry, the technology bubble, as well as renewable energy and climate change.

The following is the main content of the interview:

Reporter: Do you think the problem of workers being replaced will be serious. So which areas are most risky?

Gates: Workers with a high school education and below will be replaced by robots. We're destroying manufacturing jobs at a rapid rate, and that's a good thing. This will reduce the cost of the product and people will demand more of it. This also means that if the population is not well educated, it will suffer. And if you want to create jobs, you're going to need subsidies.

Reporter: Who will provide subsidies?

Gates: Government and society, if they expect people to be employed.

After the college entrance examination, candidates and parents face the first critical decision in life - choosing a university. When faced with self-study undergraduate studies, the most common question asked by everyone is: Is self-study undergraduate studies useful? Of course, there is no so-called standard answer to this question, and everyone may have different views and opinions. So how to judge? Today, I would like to share with you my views on the question "Is it useful to take a self-study undergraduate degree?" I hope it can be helpful to you who are confused.


Self-taught undergraduate degree, as one of the academic qualifications in my country, is second only to the unified education system (the most valuable academic qualifications in my country are: unified education, self-taught education, adult education, TV University, correspondence education)! We can judge through a set of comparisons:

1. Self-study undergraduate program VS unified undergraduate program

Both are undergraduate degrees, but the value and advantages of the unified undergraduate program are obviously greater than those of the self-study undergraduate program.

2. If you did not get admitted to the unified undergraduate program, but only got admitted to a junior college: self-study undergraduate degree vs. unified junior college, we will analyze it from four aspects

①Social acceptance: Unified college enrollment is the most common choice among college entrance examination students in my country for students who have not passed the undergraduate examination, so it is widely accepted by parents, teachers and candidates; self-study undergraduate examinations, a large number of people do not understand the self-study examination Comprehensive, coupled with the influence of traditional ideological concepts, there are some prejudices against self-study examinations. The pressure from parents, teachers and other aspects makes us shy away from self-study undergraduate examinations (I feel the same about this, and I will talk about it below)

② Continuing further studies: Only two years after graduating from a junior college under the unified recruitment program can you apply for a postgraduate examination, and you can apply for a self-study undergraduate degree after obtaining an undergraduate diploma; when taking the civil service examination, there are relatively few positions for junior college students to apply for.

③Work benefits: The salary of undergraduates is slightly higher than that of junior college students. In terms of promotion, the higher the academic qualifications, the more opportunities there are.

④Employment: Our country’s law stipulates that self-taught students and those admitted through unified enrollment enjoy equal treatment in employment. Therefore, after obtaining a self-taught undergraduate diploma, the treatment is the same as that for undergraduate students admitted through unified enrollment (this is reflected in the employment situation of our classmates) But what cannot be ignored is that there are a very small number of small companies, basically private or informal companies, that discriminate against self-taught students (I have not encountered this yet, so I don’t have much say)


After so many years of development, self-study exams have had a good impact on society. The state also treats self-taught students the same as general high school students, and they are also relatively competitive in the market. But what I want to say is that due to some prejudices, in some places, many units do not have enough understanding of self-taught students, so there will be discrimination. What I want to say is: Because self-study students failed in the college entrance examination, they will generally work harder to improve themselves. In terms of learning ability, they are not necessarily worse than the unified admissions students!

Therefore, for questions such as "Is it useful to take self-study undergraduate courses? Is it good to take self-study undergraduate courses?" I hope that everyone can consider based on their own actual situation and not be influenced by others. The road is your own and you have to control the direction. Can't be influenced by others!

If students have any questions about improving their academic qualifications, please contact Mr. Li at: 745174148 (QQ).


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