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The smart security market in 2018 should not be underestimated

Author:Qianlin shares Time:2018/01/04 Read: 5891
With the hot speculation of the concept of intelligent security, the development of intelligent security products has shown diversified development. Qianlin shares believes that the industry will continue to open and integrate. The new year of 2018 […]

As the concept of smart security becomes more and more popular, the development of smart security products shows a diversified development. Qianlin Co., Ltd. believes that the industry will continue to open up and integrate, and the smart security market in the new year of 2018 will be even more worth looking forward to.

2018年 智慧安防市场不容小觑

Demand release combined with technological breakthroughs

According to the frequency of some public security incidents at home and abroad in recent years, there is still a huge market demand in the smart security industry. Looking at the current overall security system construction in our country, we can find that the security system is not perfect yet, so it needs to be improved within a short period of time. In addition, government departments are paying more and more attention to the maintenance of social security, and have gradually developed from the construction of "safe cities" to "smart cities" and "Snow Liang Projects", etc., and continue to increase investment in the entire intelligent security. This will promote the development of the security industry.

2018年 智慧安防市场不容小觑

The security industry continues to be booming

According to statistics, in 2016, the total output value of my country's security industry exceeded 540 billion yuan, of which the output value of security products was 190 billion yuan, security projects were approximately 310 billion yuan, and security alarm services and other output values were approximately 410 billion yuan. billion yuan. It is reported that the security market size reached RMB 595.8 billion in 2017, with a year-on-year growth rate of 10.3%.

2018年 智慧安防市场不容小觑

In the next five years, the facial recognition market size may explode

Qian Lin believes that face recognition is widely used in the field of security and is the basis for intelligent security and will also be a key guarantee for realizing smart cities in the future. At present, many cities and enterprises still use cameras for surveillance or visual recognition of photos and IDs during registration, which is inefficient and costly, and it is impossible to provide real-time warnings. Therefore, the development and application of facial recognition and other technologies have become an inevitable trend in the development of the security industry.

2018年 智慧安防市场不容小觑

It is expected that in the next five years, the average compound growth rate of my country's face recognition market size will reach 25%, and by 2021, the face recognition market size will reach about 5.1 billion yuan.

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