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Smart City

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Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs unveils plans for Toronto smart city expansion

The project, which promises to bring "a holistic approach to digital innovation", has faced privacy and surveillance concerns. On Monday, the Alphabet-owned city in charge of […]

How polluted is the city? Google's new tool can help you profile

Google today released a free online tool that provides city planners with information about a city's carbon footprint. Better urban planning requires access to things like transportation […]

Smart City: This City Has Its Own Operating System

Hull City Council said sensors scattered across the city would allow real-time data collection to improve city services. As the Yorkshire port city begins to utilize its own […]

Amsterdam Smart City

Amsterdam, one of the first smart cities, is also the largest city in the Netherlands, with more than 400,000 households, accounting for one-third of the country's carbon dioxide emissions. very[…]

Via app launches ride-sharing service in Cupertino

The Via app provides commuters with more convenient access to public transport and reduces traffic congestion and emissions. As Apple’s headquarters, Cupertino, California or […]

What are the advantages of connected car driving?

A connected car is a vehicle with internet access that allows devices inside and outside the car to communicate with each other. Inside the car we can find things like sensors and on-board computers […]

Digital Insurance: Technologies and Strategies Driving Insurance into the Connected Era

Until now, with data and the experience of actuaries and adjusters, people can accurately discern the past and predict the future. After all, the insurance industry is a multi-billion dollar […]

Can smart parking save brick-and-mortar stores?

Smart parking could be the key to bringing customers back to physical stores by providing seamless parking and data collection services, improving business KPIs and customer experience, and reducing carbon emissions […]

JD.com launches 5G smart logistics network

The Beijing-based Chinese e-commerce giant said its 5G logistics park will upgrade on-site operations, such as monitoring forklift routes in real time and sending […]

Will Smart Factories Benefit from 5G? - Here's What Experts Say

Alternatives to 4G are on the horizon and could revolutionize manufacturing. 5G is on the way, the next generation of wireless technology expected to deliver speeds far exceeding 4G and […]

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