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在“S2b:落地的关键”神聊会中,我们对几个核心的案例进行了反复的讨论。曾鸣教授将 S2b2c 模式中几个关键 […]

Jizhi Financial Cloud provides intelligent analysis tools for institutional users. How long can the era of Excel dominance last?

How to use cutting-edge technologies such as AI as advanced productivity to leverage traditional businesses is an issue currently being explored at the artificial intelligence application layer. Specific to the financial industry, it is mainly divided into […]

Unlocking with ultrasonic waves, Yisuobao transforms from a U-shaped lock for two-wheeled vehicles at the C-end to a smart access control system at the B-end

The 2016 CBNData "Report" mentioned that although the smart security product industry started late, the market has not yet reached a large scale. But with the development of the smart home industry […]

Relying on artificial intelligence, Zoho launches fourth-generation CRM product

On April 26, SaaS provider Zoho and local manufacturer Baihui held a press conference to release a new version of Baihui (Zoho) CRM. Guests present included […]

China Yaosheng launches smart POS "Pufubao". How can private financial groups move toward the Internet?

After seeing the development potential of financial technology, traditional private financial groups have also launched online businesses, such as online financial management and financial workshops under Pioneer Financial, as well as […]

Benchmarking LinkedIn? Teamable wants to make talent referrals smarter

Teamble announced it has raised $5 million in funding led by True Ventures. This startup will help […]

Gengyun IoT launches "Equipment Health Cloud" to use artificial intelligence to realize intelligent maintenance of industrial equipment

In view of the high cost and low efficiency of traditional industrial equipment manual shutdown and regular troubleshooting methods, with the development of the industrial Internet of Things and big data, in recent years, there has been a […]

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