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bike sharing

Prediction of the top ten technology trends in 2018: Smart cars will usher in a delivery peak, and full-screen penetration will exceed 50%

Editor's note: This article comes from China Business News and is published with the authorization of 36Kr. 5G mobile communication technology opens up diversified application needs and will become the detonation point of the Internet of Things in 2018 […]

Ofo Little Yellow Car 4.0 conference has three trump cards: new cars, NFC and NB-IoT smart locks, and Singularity big data

According to news on September 26, 36Kr learned that ofo Little Yellow Car held a press conference and launched the latest shared bicycle ofo Little Hornet, which is known as the industry’s first NFC smart lock […]

Demystifying the NB-IoT smart module, how ofo will be the first entrance to the mobile Internet of Things

The ofo NB-loT smart module that has been passed on for a while finally has a real hammer this time. At the Huawei Fully Connected Developers Conference held not long ago, the ofo small yellow car[…]

Mobike and Samsung mass-produce NFC smart locks, Samsung Note8 supports "camera scan" and NFC to unlock Mobike bicycles

According to news on August 24, 36 Krypton recently learned that the new smart lock with NFC unlocking function jointly developed by Mobike and Samsung has been mass-produced. The first batch […]

The smart voice lock Hello Bike 3.0 appears on the streets. Can the "technical school" of shared bicycles turn the tide of the war?

36Kr recently learned that the technologically upgraded Hello Bike 3.0 has been put into operation in cities such as Hangzhou. Hello Bike stated that the new 3.0 bicycles are equipped with […]

ofo launches the industry's first NFC smart lock, fully upgrades near-field payment unlocking experience

In addition to scanning the QR code, is there a more convenient way to unlock a shared bicycle? The latest answer given by ofo is that NFC can also be used for near-field payment. August 22, o […]

Mobike launches nationwide deposit-free trial riding event for new users, allowing them to experience smart green travel without any barriers

According to news on August 7, 36 Krypton recently learned that Mobike launched a deposit-free trial ride for new users in more than 150 cities across the country today. From now on, users can use WeChat […]

Mobike has built more than 4,000 smart parking spots across the country, and IoT technology solves the problem of random parking

According to news on August 3, 36 Krypton recently learned that Mobike has launched the first smart parking solution in the shared bike industry - Mobike Smart Parking Point, which comprehensively uses the Internet of Things […]

ofo and Huawei jointly develop smart locks and build shared bicycle IoT scenarios

A few days ago, China Telecom, Huawei and ofo jointly held a press conference to announce that based on NB-IOT (Narrow Band Inter […]

Pan Shiyi said that house prices will fall in the era of artificial intelligence, and SOHO China will transform into a light asset platform

Editor's note: This article is from Securities Daily, author Wang Lixin; 36 Krypton is published with authorization. A few days ago, SOHO China announced within 10 days that it had sold and planned to sell “Beijing and Shanghai […]

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