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Programmable magnetically driven soft robots are here!

Author | Fu Jing In nature, flowers flutter with the wind. In the laboratory, scientists have also made similar effects. However, the drive behind the "moving petals" […]

Rhino Smart Manufacturing, isn’t this what Ali boasted about two years ago?

If you want to understand something in the Internet industry, it is said that you only need to stay in the media long enough. After the new smart manufacturing concept of Rhino Factory has continued to ferment for the past few days, we have been […]

Swarm robots: what bees tell us about the future of IoT

The Internet of Things is about to undergo a giant leap that few know about. This article will give you an in-depth look at “swarm robots” and how other social insects like bees can be used to […]

Robotic vacuum cleaner service: $499 a month (SoftBank Robotics)

Best known for its humanoid robot Pepper, SoftBank Robotics is back with an automated commercial vacuum cleaner service called Whiz, starting with […]

Can this cute robot from Asia win the hearts of American parents?

Miko 2 appeals to little ones with dialogue, but the competition is fierce. Over the past few years, a robot named Miko 2 has attracted […]

Collaborative work between workers and drones in a factory environment

Humans and robots have long interacted and collaborated in factories. So what happens when these robots fly? Collaborative robotics has transformed the modern economy, […]

The Age of Robots Comes

Today people have entered the era of robots, and the tools developed by robotics companies are also changing the entire industry. All kinds of robots appear in people's life, so the machine […]

Intelligent! LG launches wearable exoskeleton robot "future factory" production, logistics personnel gospel

The IFA 2018 exhibition will be grandly opened in Berlin from August 31st to September 5th, and one of LG’s product highlights this year is a wearable […]

Those with high school education and below will be replaced by robots

Gates: Workers with a high school education or less will be replaced by robots. We're destroying manufacturing jobs fast, and that's a good thing. This will reduce product cost while […]

Give the robot a "nanny"! How much do you know about these high-paying "wonderful" jobs?

Nanny is a very common occupation. So, what about being a "nanny" for a robot? ——The guide believes that many people are confused about this, and they will have such questions […]

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