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What does smart retailing look like in a mobile phone store?

Author:Zhou Xin Time:2017/05/24 阅读:3052
Core quick reading: It is not surprising that smart retail has existed for a long time. But what does smart retail in a mobile phone store look like? Can the unmanned vending model in the retail industry also be realized in mobile phone stores[…]

Core speed reading:

Smart retail has been around for a long time, so it’s no surprise. But what does smart retail in mobile phone stores look like? Can the unmanned vending model in the retail industry also be implemented in mobile phone stores? Let me tell you...


The so-called smart retail refers to the use of modern technology to replace manual sales.

This has not been realized in many cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu.

Fully automated from store inspection, store management, display, sales, and payment

This indeed greatly saves labor costs

But not without flaws

There is still a "temperature" difference between human-computer dialogue and human-to-human dialogue.

Human-machine dialogue only has processes

Everyone’s dialogue is warm, emotional and understanding


These are things that technology can never achieve


With the concentration of mobile phone brands

After concentrating into ten mobile phone brands

For example, mobile phone brands such as Jinhua OV Apple

Whether it is a specialty store or a general store

Only those new phones are launched in a year

No more selling tactics through crowds of people

Such brand products are highly standardized products

It is completely possible to realize unmanned vending machines for sales


a cell phone

From display, introduction, sales transaction, after-sales

It can be completely done by unmanned vending machines

Including operator services and accessories can also be completed in one machine

From this point of view, sales can be achieved with or without promoters


Do mobile phone stores still need to exist independently?

Will mobile phone stores still need such a large space?

Will mobile phone stores be integrated with other business formats?

Will mobile phones be available on high-speed trains and airports like automatic drink machines?

in imaginable space


There is no doubt that the following points about smart retail in mobile phone stores are:

First: Labor costs will be greatly reduced, and there will even be no one to sell.

Second: The cost of renting shops will be greatly reduced, and there will even be no store format.

Third: The hardware sales model of mobile phone stores will gradually evolve to a sharing model, such as shared bicycles, shared cars, shared power banks, and shared umbrellas.

The shared mobile phone model is likely to appear soon. We no longer need to buy a mobile phone worth several thousand yuan, use it for 1-3 years and then replace it. Instead, we no longer need to buy a mobile phone, but "use it as needed" sharing mode.

People only need to remember commonly used APP passwords related to eating, drinking, shopping, living, traveling, and playing. When they need to use a mobile phone terminal, they can rent a mobile phone anytime and anywhere, and just return it when they are no longer in use. And you can always use the latest mobile phones. These mobile phones are jointly owned and operated by manufacturers, operators, and third-party companies.

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